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Colfax Falcons Trap Team 



Program defaults for donation amounts are in $10.00 increments'. Change the Quantity to change the amount.

For your protection and accuracy, each individual shooter will need to complete the Registration Form below. Multiple shooters can not be entered on one single on-line form. 

Shoot Specifics:

  • Donations: The primary source of funding for this event for the Placer 10-35 Foundation is your extra additional donations. The Placer 10-35 Foundation provides support for not only the families of fallen officers, but for families of fallen first responders through out the state of California.The $30.00 fixed cost for your registration barely covers the equipment, clays, awards,  supplies, reproduction and website maintenance costs.  Every shooter is encouraged to recruit donations from your co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family members. You are supporting your community.
  • No Shooter will be turned away for a lack of additional donations.
  • Adult shooters associated with Law Enforcement (including sworn, correctional, or administrative) staff, Ambulance, First Responders (including fire, paramedics, techs, and administrative) staff, and news media (including printed, radio, and television and cable) staff are permitted to shoot at this event. 
  • Students from the following CYSSA high school teams (Colfax, Granite Bay, Del Oro, Oakmont, Roseville) and youth teams from Auburn Gold Miners, Del Oro, and Coon Creek will be  shooting at this event. 
  • To encourage the interaction between High school students and Law enforcement, Fire Personnel, and New Media staff,  initial squading will be similarly modeled as follows: 1 student, 1 Cop, 1 student, 1 news media, 1 student.
  • All mail-in Shooter registrations are due no later than April 25, 2017.
  • The event squading will be conducted on April 28, 2017.  If you wish to register the day of the event there is no guarantee you will be able to be placed on a squad. Due to facility limitations the shoot will be capped at the first 200 shooters.